Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Irish Poetry!

Today in my Modern British Authors class, we discussed this poem by Eavan Boland - an Irish, female poet. I haven't enjoyed MANY of the works we've read for this class. But we recently forayed into the great world of post-modernism and contemporary literature. I was so struck by this poem that I had to share:
"Anorexic" by Eavan Boland
Flesh is heretic.
My body is a witch.
I am burning it.

Yes I am torching
ber curves and paps and wiles.
They scorch in my self denials.

How she meshed my head
in the half-truths
of her fevers

till I renounced
milk and honey
and the taste of lunch.

I vomited
her hungers.
Now the bitch is burning.

I am starved and curveless.
I am skin and bone.
She has learned her lesson.

Thin as a rib
I turn in sleep.
My dreams probe

a claustrophobia
a sensuous enclosure.
How warm it was and wide

once by a warm drum,
once by the song of his breath
and in his sleeping side.

Only a little more,
only a few more days
sinless, foodless,

I will slip
back into him again
as if I had never been away.

Caged so
I will grow
angular and holy

past pain,
keeping his heart
such company

as will make me forget
in a small space
the fall

into forked dark,
into python needs
heaving to hips and breasts
and lips and heat
and sweat and fat and greed
For those of you who might be lost and don't have the benefit of the foot notes that I had access to, the speaker of the poem is Eve, and she wishes she could go back into Adam as his rib rather than stay her own entity. What I love about this poem is how the problematic aspects of religion are being compared to, in essence, a disease: woman feels so much pressure to be perfect, the only logical thing to do is to return to man to be redeemed from the "sin" of Eve. I think what struck home to me about this work is the comparison to becoming thin and beautiful, more near to the "perfect idealized" woman in order to become more righteous. The woman who is curvy and luscious, well, that woman is sinful. I see this in many ways in my own religious culture - the idea that if one can be a close to an ideal size or figure as possible, the more god-like and worthy she is. Additionally, another critique I love is that, in the speaker's mind, for her to be perfect, she needs to be absorbed in patriarchy to become whole. It's poems like these that make me realize that how great God truly is, and how great my curvy, luscious, and sometimes sinful womanhood is. Without these types of glaring, blasphemous critiques, I think I would feel alone. Anyways, food for thought - any other takers? And I should mention, I normally don't dig on poetry.
Also, and not entirely randomly since I just broke out in my semi-annual cold sores induced by stress, I wanted to let you all know, according to, you CAN spread oral herpes to genitals. I was more curious than anything since I've heard many different sides to the story, so thank you google for educating me!  


grburbank said...

(Hey, there's something wrong with the formatting.) Aside from that, fantastic poem. We recently read Eavan Boland in my poetry group, and I remember reading her in Kurt's Brit Lit II. I also love anything with religious imagery. And I love my curvy, luscious, sometimes sinful friend--just don't spread those herpes! Good luck finishing up your Master's!

r said...

So, I can't be slim and luscious? Why is "luscious" associated with curvy? My genetics incline my hips to being narrow, my waist small, and my boobs big. Does this mean that I am false? Does the fact that I exercise and make conscious decisions to not eat too little or too excess (but still eat sugar and cake and steak and drink wine and eat bread and french fries) make me superficial or somehow better in the eyes of the world but worse in the eyes of feminism?

Finally, "Additionally, another critique I love is that, in the speaker's mind, for her to be perfect, she needs to be absorbed in patriarchy to become whole" I'd say that this exemplifies Mormon theology (marriage of a woman to a man in order to be called to the celestial kingdom--yes, yes, there are exceptions, but the standard is a woman must marry a man to "become whole" a whole (holy) being. You know my thoughts on gender-assigned roles and salvation.

Re: Genital Herpes

"HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be found in and released from the sores that the viruses cause, but they also are released between outbreaks from skin that does not appear to have a sore. Generally, a person can only get HSV-2 infection during sexual contact with someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection. Transmission can occur from an infected partner who does not have a visible sore and may not know that he or she is infected.

HSV-1 can cause genital herpes, but it more commonly causes infections of the mouth and lips, so-called “fever blisters.” HSV-1 infection of the genitals can be caused by oral-genital or genital-genital contact with a person who has HSV-1 infection. Genital HSV-1 outbreaks recur less regularly than genital HSV-2 outbreaks."

From the Center for Disease Control

Keith gets fever blisters. I asked my GYN if I could get genital herpes from his fever blisters. She said he needed to be tested. He was. He does not have HSV-2. She adamantly denied I could somehow contract HSV-2 from him if he does not have it. :D So, I kiss him and he kisses me...any and every where :D

Love you, Curvilucscious, Beautiful Friend :D

Luke and Mariah said...

hmmmmmm. I really wish I had some deep, thought-provoking thing to say, but I'll keep it simple. I think you're great, and I hope I get the chance to see you hot face on the 24th! I also disagree with you (if I understood correctly) that a woman in our religion, if she is the "ideal size," is more "worthy" and "god-like." Seriously?? Where'd ya get that?? I love you and hope life is super fab!! Oh and thanx for the bday wishes! Muah!

Ms. La Rue said...

Perhaps I should have prefaced this with "This is not a critique of skinny/slim women in general." "Luscious" does not have to always be associated with curvy - luscious can also refer to substance, which I thought I made clear but obviously failed to do ;). It's a critique of the ideology that causes women to lose substance because they think it will lead to salvation.

Murt - this is not all women in our religion, but I see a huge problem within our religion that some women associate physical looks - blonde, skinny, etc. - with the worth of soul. How many women, in the world, not just in our religion, dye their hair blonde not because they genuinely want to, but because they are trying to fit into an ideal picture? I have nothing against blonde hair or skinny women - people are free to be what they want and far be it for me to judge. But, there are so many men, specifically in our religion, who associate righteousness with a pant size - see my post about this exact thing a few posts down. Again, it is not the pant size I'm critiquing, it's the thoughtlessness of certain individuals who chose to perpetuate stereotypes and lose out on personal growth because they are trying to be a certain kind of perfect. Does that help?

Ms. La Rue said...

The poem itself works on a number of levels, but one of them is about how women sacrifice substance for the thin white shape since that shape is stereotypically associated with beauty. The metaphor being one should never be spiritually "anorexic" for the sake of salvation or a man.

But if a woman is skinny because she's built that way or she works hard for it, more power to her!

Luke and Mariah said...

Thanks Sarah dear. I think I'm pickin up what you're puttin down. All I know is that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God, not so much the worth of a waist size. :) I love ya! And I love that brain of yours!

Nagi said...

I seriously dig Eavan Boland - I remember reading her in a lit class with Harris, I think, or possibly Tvordi. I enjoyed the critique you offered that came with the poem.

I'm not gonna lie - there is that sort of desperation in single wards, that all the pretty girls are the perfect ones who will get married off first, leaving the rest of us more-than-size-two to wallow in eternal loneliness and imperfection.

I like the way you distilled the message - never be spiritually anorexic for a man. Words to live by. Thanks for being so awesomely smart!