Friday, November 16, 2007

The Top 5 of Why I Now Love "High Fidelity"

1. Jack Black sings "Let's Get It On."
2. The entire film is about music.
3. The phrase "ass-muncher" is used.
4. Joan Cusack.
5. A person struggling in a relationship decides to make it work and give up the never-to-be-fulfilled-in-a-million-years-unrealistic-fantasy - and it's still a happy ending!


Chelsea Lane said...

I >have< seen that movie! Yay!

grburbank said...

Yay for John Cusack! and sex dreams about Michael C. Hall!

Anonymous said...
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r said...

My sentiments exactly!

Now, two more: 2001: A SpaceOdyssey and Annie Hall.

Johnny X said...

A must read, in case you haven't read it yet.

"Well, I've been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I've come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains."

Hahaha, Classic.

Johnny X said...

"It was like trying to borrow a dollar, getting turned down, and asking for 50 grand instead."

Sorry, I'm done now. I think I will go home and watch it though.