I must apologize if you are not familiar with the L.D.S church and are reading this post. If you would like to know about any of the jargon I use and do not explain, visit www.lds.org. I'm not trying to convert you, merely give you a place that will better explain Mormon vocabulary.
Are you prepared for a lengthy blog containing personal information, religious questions, and lots of talk about polygamy? Really? Okay.
I have questions. Lots of questions. In fact, one of the facets of my personality is my puppy-like curiosity pertaining to all things. Lately, I've had lots of questions about The Church. The Mormon Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My questions are either stemming from or coinciding with a time in my life where it was been very difficult for me to attend church and church functions. Many of my questions are definitely stemming from my feminism and my intellect. I've reached the point where I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ like my feminism, my intellect, and my curiosity - no one will ever convince me of anything different.
That said, knowing that I am loved and appreciated from on high does not answer the questions that I have. Instead, I have more confidence in asking them. Of all my questions, which I will not go into here because this will be long already, I want to know about polygamy (the practice of one spouse having more than one spouse, but for Mormons, the male having multiple wives), and here's what I already know (feel free to correct me if I am wrong, which I might be... because, hey, I'm human - that whole perfection thing that's promised is coming, I'm sure).
- Polygamy was a practice used both in the Old and New Testaments, and is still used in some religions in the world today.
- Polygamy was practiced in the L.D.S. church from about 1880 to 1910 and was instituted, via revelation from God, by Joseph Smith the Prophet.
- Polygamy in the L.D.S. church was a calling. Not every member practiced polygamy.
- One of the "reasons" for polygamy is said to be that there were more women than men at the time it was instituted. I have been told, by an Institute teacher, that this is absolutely false and that Church records show that there were actually more men than women at the time.
- The practice of polygamy was stopped because it was revealed so, but also because Utah needed to become a state and the government would not allow that event to occur until Mormons no longer practiced polygamy.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints no longer practices polygamy.
- If Joseph Smith was in turmoil because of this principle, why was the succeeding prophet, Brigham Young, so eager to practice it?
- Will polygamy once again become a practice on this earth for members of The Church? In the millennium maybe?
- Will there be polygamy in heaven, specifically, the Celestial Kingdom?
- How can people practice this? And I mean ever.
- Could I ever practice this?
So, where does my anxiety stem from? And believe me, I've been on the verge of an anxiety attack at the over-pondering of sharing my husband with another woman, even if she was Mary herself. My anxiety stems from having to share what is most sacred and trustworthy with another woman or multiple wives. And it's more than just the union of sex. It's that there are two of us and I want my husband to be for me. I don't want him to romantically love another woman, share his thoughts as he would with me, or be sealed for time and all eternity to two of us when there is one of him. That's it. I don't want to share. Sharing is caring, and in this arena, I am care free. Selfish? Eek. Maybe. Justifiable? I don't think you'll find many people who disagree with me.
Being sealed to both my husband and another one of his wives scares the ever-livin' out of me.
To make this more complicated - what if I die and my husband marries and is sealed to someone else? (In the L.D.S. church, men can be sealed to more than one woman while a woman can only be sealed to one man - a serious question for another blog.) Or, what if he dies first and is sealed to someone else? What then? Am I totally left out of that decision because the flippin' veil is in the friggin' way?
I've seriously wrestled with these questions for years. And my heart has NEVER felt an ounce of peace, even when I pray about it. The "it'll all work out beyond the veil" stock-answer does not suffice for me here and we Mormons avoid talking about polygamy at all costs, except when to make fun of the F.L.D.S. church and the polygamists at Wal-Mart. We talk about polygamy like we talk about the fact that black men could not hold the priesthood until the 70's.
But, I finally have an answer. After years of questioning, I got my answer. Agency. Agency can never be taken away from us, by God or man, unless we give it away ourselves. No matter if it's here or there, we will always have agency - God made sure of it. If I choose not to be in a polygamous marriage, I don't have to be. If my husband doesn't want to be sealed to anyone more than me, he doesn't have to be.
I cannot adequately explain how my soul feels relief at this moment, but I feel a renewed light in myself, a light that hasn't been there for a while and that makes all the difference for me today, and for my years of questioning.
If you would like to read the article I read, here is the link. Pages 151-52 are what I concentrated on.
I hope this helps. I hope it helps me more in the future and with how I am finding my path to heaven.
So, what if your husband wants to, believes he is called to practice polygamy, then what? He holds the priesthood. Of course, ideally he wouldn't if you didn't want to, but...just a question. And terrific vulnerability here, Sarah. One of the things I adore about you (and all my TLDS friends) :D
I love how you aren't afraid to question and that you also find your own way to peace when there isn't an answer readily available. It is a beautiful gift, and one I hope you keep sharing with others.
I, too, have hated the "it will all work out..." response to my questions, but in this instance, that same response actually did help me come to my own understanding and peace. The day I realized that we honestly don't know what it will be like on the other side, and that most of this will probably be looked upon as the infantile understanding of such a huge and beautiful plan once we are there, I finally was able to accept and move on. My personal belief has a lot to do with comprehending that I do not know because I do not have the capability to understand at this point in time. And I can actually be good with that. :)
Andria, you are one of the few LDS I have heard accept that there might be an inability to understand something about God, about your faith's theology, in the present state you occupy. When my non-LDS Christian friends have had discussions with their LDS Christian friends and have said that very thing ("My personal belief has a lot to do with comprehending that I do not know because I do not have the capability to understand at this point in time. And I can actually be good with that. :) ), it has been rejected as a red herring.
P.S. You are an early bird ;)
I am completely in agreement with you about the husband thing. I've already made my husband promise me that he will NOT be sealed to anyone else, even if I die before him. He can remarry, but not be sealed. I'm selfish like that, I suppose. But you are right, I don't know anyone who would be willing to share their husband intimately (and not just sexually) with another woman.
There are a lot of ways you can look at polygamy and the scope of plurality in the LDS theology. But I think linking it all back to agency was a good step, Sarah. Agency is so key, in fact, it's the answer to most questions about the restored gospel. There's always a choice, a choice which leads to an infinite number of more choices.
I also like the idea that what God instituted over a period of several hundred years and in all the previous dispensations previous to the restoration need to be practiced at some point in time for some manner of time as part of the restoration.
Isn't that why we call it a restored gospel? It's not because we are picking it up where it left off with the apostles, it's because all of the doctrine and commandments of the ages must be restored and practiced for a pre-determined amount of time. Whether that's for a few years like polygamy, or whether it's for the duration, like prayer of the sacrament, everything that was instituted must be and will be re-instituted.
Nice conclusion.
Thanks for the comments and support my nerds :D.
R - I don't think I could marry a man if he was okay with polygamy. I am that bothered by it. I am with Andria in that I will definitely understand better sometime. If we were to understand all the mysteries of God in this life, they wouldn't really be mysteries anymore, would they? And would we be able to comprehend them without God-like ability, probably not.
There's one thing I've got to add to this discussion. The fact is that when Brigham Young first heard about polygamy he said something to the effect that for a time afterward every time he saw a hearse driving by he envied the corpse inside.
Having said that, this is one of those issues that causes some very serious and real questions. I think that you've come up with one vital part of the answer. Life is really about how we apply our agency.
Hey Sar-bear... I'm glad you found some relief. I love your guts.
Sarah, I've also had questions about this topic and the way it relates to the gospel. I have many of the same reservations you do about the possibility of sharing my eternal companion with another woman. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on agency in relation to polygamy. I don't think I've made that exact connection before, and I think it helps me with my own questions.
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